

Applications of Lovibond® reagents » Applications reagents
Reagents for photometry » Applications reagents

Several decades have passed since the appearance of the first Lovibond® PC 100 photometer system. Since that time, Tintometer has become a world-famous name as the manufacturer of photometer systems sold under the brand name of Lovibond®. Our range of photometer systems extends from the MD 100 as hand-held model over the multi parameter photometer MD 200 as desktop model to the SpectroDirect spectrophotometer for laboratories.

The multi-functional PM 600 & 620 photometers provide the answer to all requirements relating to the analysis of water used in modern swimming pools and baths. They offer a wide variety of pre-programmed methods and are therefore suitable for the demands of modern water analysis. All the parameters which can be measured with Lovibond® photometer systems are set out in the table. This table also explains what parameters can be measured with which photometer.


MD 100

Precise Water Analysis in High Quality Design – Small, Mobile, Rapid

MD 110

Photometer with Bluetooth® Technology

PM 600 & PM 620 & PM 630

Data transfer via Bluetooth® or Infrared
The ultimate range in Pool Photometers
For reliable pool relevant water analysis


Precise Water Analysis in High Quality Design – Small, Mobile, Rapid

The photometric principle

When specific reagents are added, the water sample takes on a degree of coloration that is pro- portional to the concentration of the parameter being measured. The photometer measures this coloration.

When a light beam passes through the coloured sample, energy with a specific wavelength is ab- sorbed by the test substance. The photometer de- termines the coloration of the sample by measu- ring the transmission or absorption of light of this wavelength (in other words, monochromatic light). The photometer then uses a microprocessor to calculate the required concentration and dis- plays the result.

Principle of Photometry

The Bluetooth® word mark is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use by Lovibond® Tintometer GmbH is under license. IOS® is a registered trademark of Cisco, Inc. and licensed to Apple, Inc. AndroidTM is a trademark of Google, Inc.